Annihilate- to reduce to utter ruin.
Arbitrary- subject to individual will or judgment without restriction.
Brazer-to unite metal at high temperatures by applying and various nonferrous solders.
Catalyst- something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without effect.
Exodus- a going out of a large number of people.
Facilitate- to make easier or less difficult.
Incorrigible- bad beyond collection.
Latent- present but not visible.
Militant- vigorously activity and aggressive.
Morose- gloomily or sullenly ill-humored
Opaque- not transparent or translucent.
Paramount- chief in importance or impact.
Prattle- to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way.
Rebut- to refute by evidence or argument.
Reprimand- a sever reproof or rebuke.
Servitude- slavery or bondage of any kind.
Slapdash- in a hasty, haphazard.
Stagnant- not flowing or running.
Succumb- to give way to a superior force.
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