Monday, February 10, 2014


1) I've found that my passion is to build things and see how they are built. I've come to realize that the two fields I am intrested in are more closely related than I thought. Electrical engineering and physical therapy both intrested me because one is showing the study of how electronics are put together and function and another shows how the body is put together and how it functions. I'm still split between the two and really trying to find which one has something that just wins me over.

2) Media can help me a whole lot because in this case I can reach out to people in forums and have them give me their opinions and also just research more into the field and see what perks they have.

3) I feel I should start to reach out to people to make more connections so in the future, I have a head start into whatever I choose to do.

4) I feel to impress others, I should gain alot more background on what is done in the fields and be able to demonstrate that I have taught myself some pointers in the field as well.

5) By just going out and talking to the people that I already know that can help.

6) for physical therapy, I can easily start out by going to righetti's own athletic trainer or the hancock athletic trainer or sims. I know the people in all three areas and are local so they are easy to contact. For engineering, I can reach out to my mom's cousin who is a structural engineer. Although it isn't the same type of engineering I like, he may be able to help me still pursue that path.


  1. Interesting fields! What if you start with design in general, and consider how architects and kinesiologists apply design principles to structures ranging from building/communities to the human body and/or prostheses?
