Tuesday, March 11, 2014


a) I would say that my questions are meant for an Entrepreneur. I tried not to ask basic questions but more about what choices they made in life or effects of others that inspired them to chase a dream. Because to me, it's not important where they're at now but what events in there life before then helped them to reach their goal.
b) I wouldn't consider myself an entrepreneur because to me, it still means someone who tries to do something completely new. Then again I want to better the technologies used in the athletic world so maybe that's something but I don't feel like I don't have what most entrepreneurs do.
c) I feel in schooling, no one even mentions entrepreneurship so most kids come into the world without a true drive to chase their passion. Then after highschool we see how entrepreneurs are glorified in society and we wonder what they did to get there when all it took was motivation, hard work, and the risk.

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